We are currently accepting applications for Summer 2024. Please fill out ALL fields of this form. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss, feel free to call or text our director Nechoma Goldman at 405-413-6091 or email [email protected]

Please note that one registration form per child is needed. If you are applying for more than one child, you may leave out the "Parent Information" section.

Child Profile
Last Name
First Name
Hebrew Name


Parent Information
Father's Name
Father's Occupation
Father's Cell
Father's Work Phone
Father's Email
Mother's Name
Mother's Occupation
Mother's Cell
Mother's Work Phone
Mother's Email


Emergency Information - Other than Parent
Emergency Contact 1 
Emergency Contact 2
Pick-Up Person 1
Pick-Up Person 2
Doctor's Name
Doctor's Phone Number
Medical Insurance Company
Policy Number
CONFIDENTIAL: Does your child have any allergies, medical conditions or disabilities that we should be aware of? If yes, please describe them and indicate special precautions or care needed.



Camp Information

Full Session July 15 - Aug 2 |  Week 1 July 15 - 19 | Week 2 July 22 - 26 | Week 3 July 29 - Aug 2 

CGI Pricing 2024.png  

Specify which session(s) you are applying for:

Hot kosher lunch and snack provided


T-Shirt (Required) Child Size S M L XL $10
Additional T-Shirt Child Size S M L XL $10

How many T-Shirts? What size?

Be a summer sponsor! Send a child to Camp Gan Israel

Full Session $860   Single Session $300


Registration / Payment
CC Type
Card Number
Billing Address
City, State, Zip     
Exp Date
Total Registration charges:

Your card will not be charged immediately. Payment is processed through TADS, our tuition management service. Look for an email to arrive from TADS, and complete your payment setup ASAP. Your registration is only complete when your payment has been processed through TADS. 


Additional Information 

You must provide the following in order for your child to attend Camp Gan Israel:

  • Up to date immunization records
  • Photo ID of anyone picking up children
  • Copy of health insurance card

Parent Consent

Both parents or guardians will download WhatsApp on their mobile phones to receive communications from the camp director.

I will register with TADS (tuition management service) and follow all of their policies and guidelines. 

I will bring my child on time and pick up on time.

In the event of a medical emergency I authorize any adult acting on behalf of CGI to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child. I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. 

I give permission for my child to participate in all activities and join in camp trips on and beyond camp properties.

I allow my child to be photographed while participating in CGI activities and agree that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes.

Signature and Date I Accept  
Name:  Initials: Date: 

I have a special talent that I would like to share with Camp Gan Israel. If yes, what talent?  

I would like to volunteer at Camp Gan Israel.